NAFDA Foodservice virtual Members Conference and Best of the Best launch February 2021
NAFDA Foodservice hosted its virtual Members Conference on 25 February 2021 with great success. The conference brought the NAFDA FS Membership together once again for business updates, direct social networking, Member Q&A and the Best of the Best 2021 launch, in an engaging and collaborative online environment.
Despite the challenges of COVID-19, the foodservice industry is built on strength and resilience and it will emerge stronger as we move forward into 2021. Thank you to all those who joined the virtual conference. We hope you enjoyed being a part of this historic NAFDA FS event.
Best of the Best Launch
NAFDA Foodservice launched Best of the Best 2021 with a virtual celebration on 25 February 2021. This nationally recognised event, was NAFDA FS first virtual Best of the Best launch and was attended by NAFDA FS loyal and dedicated Best of the Best Suppliers, NAFDA FS Directors, Members and staff.
Saskia Helten, NAFDA FS Senior Brand Manager, introduced the new program with the official start date 01 March 2020.
With a history of 25 years, Best of the Best is the first customer rewards program exclusive to the foodservice industry. Since its inception, End Users have been rewarded year after year for their loyalty and purchases of Best of the Best products.
The 2021 program will feature more than 1,300 bestselling products from more than 60 suppliers. As always, there will be a fantastic range of rewards from more than 40 brands End Users can choose from. Best of the Best 2021 will run for 11 months until 31 January 2022.
For more information visit and