ACCC will not oppose Woolworths acquiring 65% share of PFD Foodservices

The ACCC will not oppose Woolworths’ acquisition of 65 per cent of the shares in wholesale food distributor PFD Food Services, following a detailed investigation that found the transaction is not likely to substantially lessen competition.

The ACCC have conducted extensive market inquiries across the industry, and undertook detailed analysis of supplier and competitor data, and internal documents of key interested parties. Ultimately the evidence did not indicate the transaction would be likely to substantially lessen competition,” ACCC Chair Rod Sims said.

10 June 2021
Read the full media release



The Peak Bodies response to the decision

Small businesses under threat after ACCC does not oppose controversial Woolworths deal

Hundreds of small businesses operating in the food distribution industry are under threat following the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission’s (ACCC) decision to not oppose Woolworths’ controversial acquisition of PFD Food Services (PFD).

The proposed acquisition has caused significant concern within the food distribution sector which typically involves small to medium businesses, many of which are family-owned and based in regional areas around Australia.

Richard Hinson, Chairman of Independent Food Distributors of Australia (IFDA), said Woolworth’s acquisition of PFD had united small business who will be disadvantaged by the ACCC’s decision to wave through the acquisition.

“While we acknowledge the ACCC’s efforts in investigating this proposed acquisition, we are incredibly disappointed by the decision to allow Woolworths’ to acquire PFD, one of the most significant players in the food distribution services sector,” he said.

“Given its track record in other sectors, we know that Woolworths will inevitably misuse its increased market power and this will ultimately cost hundreds of jobs in the food distribution sectors, many of which will be in regional Australia.”

The five industry organisations who opposed Woolworths’ acquisition of PFD – the Australasian Association of Convenience Stores; the Australasian Convenience and Petroleum Marketers Association; COSBOA; IFDA; and the Master Grocers Association – said they will continue to fight for members by highlighting any anti-competitive behaviour from Woolworths.

“Every time another small business in our sector is forced to close; jobs have to be cut; suppliers have fewer distribution choices; or prices go up because of Woolworths’ strongarm tactics, we will highlight it to the ACCC and other interested parties such as local members of Parliament,” said MGA CEO Jos de Bruin.

“Based on retail giants’ previous behaviour in other industries, we know that the damage to our sector because of this acquisition will be a matter of when, not if. It is more important than ever that we continue to work together and stand up for our members as they face yet another threat to their futures through no fault of their own.”

Download media release

Media contacts:

Richard Hinson, Chairman, IFDA, 0401 701 160
Jos de Bruin, CEO, MGA, 0418 312 723
Mark McKenzie, CEO, ACAPMA, 0447 444 011

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